Jan 19, 2024
There comes a time in your training where the honeymoon period of weigthtlifting is over, where putting weight on the bar becomes harder, and where your drive to carry your progress forward is put to the test. This point also determines, frankly speaking, whether you continue to train for strength or not.
You have made steady progress in your first 9-12 months of training - at least doubling or trippling your numbers on the bar. All of a sudden you realise '....this is getting hard....this must be it now, right? I'm just going to have to maintain what I have.'
No. Not so fast. Take a closer look at your current numbers. How much are you squatting? If you don' t have your own bodyweight on the bar, then by all means, we cannot say you're the finished product. How much are you deadlifting? Have you worked (...)